Sheriff's Message History
Spring 2018
March 07, 2018
2018 Sheriff's Message
The upcoming year promises to be one of continued growth and new challenges in the County. We are planning and preparing for the anticipated increases in population and traffic as construction of residential and commercial endeavors begin. As your Sheriff I am dedicated to constant vigilance and providing the highest standard of service for our citizens and visitors.
We are in full swing of “season” and our roadways, restaurants and beaches are bustling. Our northern friends and family are here and enjoying our little piece of paradise with us. Traffic issues continue to be one of the most frequent concerns voiced by our community. Charlotte County continues to grow at an unprecedented pace and I ask our citizen's and visitors to exercise patience and kindness on our busy roadways. Although we are at the peak of our “season,” I am happy to relay traffic crashes at many of our major intersections throughout the county are down significantly from years past. My Deputies are working very hard monitoring these historically problematic areas in an effort to keep everyone safe on the roadways. Remember to wear your seatbelts and don't be a distracted driver.
Thefts from motor vehicles continue to be a concern as well. While enjoying our beaches, county parks, fitness centers and shopping centers, we ask that you please remember to lock your vehicles and conceal your valuables from sight. These simple steps have been proven to prevent such “crimes of opportunity.” By being smart and taking these precautions, I am confident we can prevent many people from being victims of crime. Don't be an easy target.
There are many new homes and businesses under construction throughout the county. Yes, our economy is healthy. Frequently, thieves tend to target these construction sites and steal tools, building materials and other items of value. We ask for your help in watching for suspicious activity in and around your neighborhoods. If you see something that doesn't look right, it probably isn't. Remember, “If you see something, say something.”
As the county grows, it becomes more important than ever for you to provide your input about the issues you are experiencing on our roadways and in our neighborhoods. I am calling on all of our citizen's to continue to assist my Office in keeping our crime rate one of the lowest in the State of Florida. With our continued partnership, we can continue to make this county a wonderful place to live, work and play!
Bill Prummell
Sheriff, Charlotte County
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