Sheriff's Message History

End of Summer

August 15, 2016

The summer of 2016 is nearly over and our roadways, restaurants and other businesses will start becoming busier. Our seasonal residents will be returning and many more people will be arriving. Perhaps most important, is our youth are returning to school and the morning commute may become slower. Please be aware of posted school zones and drive with the utmost care. Be aware of frequent school bus stops and heed their flashing red lights and yield to those little ones.

We continue to make huge strides in lowering the crime rate in our county. How are we doing this you ask? It's because of our partnerships with our citizens, our partnerships with our business owners and partnerships with our community leaders. The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office reaches out to our youth through our Juvenile Services Unit and our School Resource Deputies. It is our belief that a stronger community lies in the partnerships as outlined above, employing contemporary law enforcement strategies and through connecting with the youth in our community.

Remember, don't allow yourselves to become easy targets for the thieves that wish to take your property. Lock your vehicles at night or while unattended, trim hedges and bushes around your homes and look out for your neighbors. Report suspicious people in your neighborhoods and be vigilant.

As your Sheriff, I will continue to work hard toward making our community safe. Together, we can all make a difference and we can continue to improve our quality of life here in Charlotte County. Proudly, I can say that it's working!


Bill Prummell, Sheriff



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