Sheriff's Message History

Holiday Safety II

December 16, 2011

Only a few more shopping days are left until Christmas and then a new year will be here!

This year our holiday shopping season officially started sometime during Thanksgiving night. Some areas of the country made national news with incidents like the pepper spray used by a shopper in California and stores being looted in New York. We, however, got through Black Friday with no problems.

But the holiday season is certainly not over. So here are a few more holiday precautions.

As we get closer to Christmas, those of us who do last minute shopping will be competing to get those remaining sale items. And as we get closer, there is a tendency for many people to become impatient in the rush to get everything done in time. We all need to just take a deep breath and remember what this time of year is all about. It is about celebrating Christmas and spending time with family and loved ones.

Please be patient on our roads as the holiday traffic tends to be a little heavier than normal and be courteous to your fellow man as they all try to navigate the stores, malls, roads and restaurants. Tis the season to be warm, friendly and understanding toward our neighbors, even when they are frustrating the heck out of us!

And finally, remember to keep your “holiday spirits” that come in bottles as far away from your car keys as possible. Nothing ruins a very Merry Christmas like a not so merry DUI arrest. It is my Christmas wish this year, like every year, that nobody spends Christmas in the hospital or worse because of a drunk driving incident. Celebrate safely, drink responsibly, and try to sing Christmas Carrols in key!

We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.

Merry Christmas from your Sheriff,

Bill Cameron

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