Intelligence Analysis Section

Crime Analysis Unit
Our Crime Analysts utilize information about the times and locations of events to identify trends and patterns in criminal activity. They provide this information to the various unit commanders so they can implement appropriate policing strategies.

Intel Analysis Unit
Our Intelligence Analyst utilizes various open and protected sources of intelligence information in order to evaluate potential threats and how, as an agency, we can mitigate criminal activity.

Planning and Research
Planning and Research develops recommendations utilizing research and analysis on issues impacting the future operations of the Sheriff's Office. This unit is also responsible for the administration of grants in support of specific organizational and strategic needs.

Sex Offender Registration
In compliance with Florida State Statute, our Sex Offender Registration program registers the locations of all sex offenders and predators that enter our county. We provide monthly registration, as well as process individual changes to residence status. This detective works in conjunction with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and local probation to acquire the necessary background information on individual offenders to ensure compliance with probationary status.

Juvenile Intervention
The Juvenile Intervention Detective works in conjunction with Charlotte County Human Services to administer the Civil Citation Program. This program provides an alternative to arrest for juvenile offenders meeting the criteria. The program is essential to reducing juvenile criminal records and reducing recidivism. Once an offender, their parents, and the victim agree to be participants in the program, the Neighborhood Accountability Board meets to determine the consequences that are applied in each case.

Jail Investigator
The Jail Intelligence Detective is responsible for working with the inmates to identify those individuals that may have information relevant to crimes occurring within the community. The Jail Intelligence Detective also works with Federal, State, and Local agencies to provide intelligence relevant to larger criminal enterprises.

Career Criminal
Our Career Criminal liaison works directly with the State Attorney's Office. The Career Criminal liaison assists in building case information designating those individuals that meet the criteria as a violent career criminal, habitual felony offender, or habitual violent felony offender. This course of action allows for extended terms of imprisonments.

Community Policing
Our Community Policing Officers are actively involved in neighborhood watches, neighborhood redevelopment, and neighborhood associations. They work collectively and in collaboration with community resources to resolve specific safety issues located within their area of responsibility. They also enhance the effectiveness of our intelligence-led policing efforts by acting as a conduit for information both to and from members of our community.

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