Submitted Budget 2024/2025
FY 25 Submitted Budget Line Item Breakdown
Submitted Budget 2023/2024
Description | Submitted FY 2024 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 200,614 |
Salaries and benefits | 90,739,812 |
Operating expenses | 15,548,544 |
Equipment | 3,269,113 |
Total Budget | $109,758,083 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 2024 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 28 |
1 |
29 |
Detention | 150 |
59 |
209 |
Dispatch | 0 |
48 |
48 |
Law Enforcement | 326 |
144 |
470 |
Totals | 504 |
252 |
756 |
** Total authorized position include contracted positions with the County and the School Board Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Manager; Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security, Mosquito Control Pilot & School Resource Officers. Totals include the Sheriff.
FY 24 Submitted Budget Line Item Breakdown
Approved Budget for FY 2022/2023
Description | Submitted FY 2023 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 188,960 |
Salaries and benefits | 78,180,616 |
Operating expenses | 14,637,449 |
Equipment | 1,707,335 |
Total Budget | $94,714,360 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 2023 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 28 |
1 |
29 |
Detention | 151 |
52 |
203 |
Dispatch | 0 |
48 |
48 |
Law Enforcement | 316 |
123 |
439 |
Totals | 495 |
224 |
719 |
** Total authorized position include contracted positions with the County and the School Board Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Manager; Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security, Mosquito Control Pilot & School Resource Officers. Totals include the Sheriff.
FY 23 Submitted Budget Line Item Breakdown
Approved Budget for FY 2021/2022
Description | Submitted FY 2022 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 152,805 |
Salaries and benefits | 69,455,788 |
Operating expenses | 11,816,517 |
Equipment | 2,148,298 |
Total Budget | $83,573,408 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 2022 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 28 |
1 |
29 |
Corrections | 151 |
51 |
202 |
Law Enforcement | 308 |
154 |
462 |
Totals | 487 |
206 |
693 * |
* Total authorized position include contracted positions with the County and the School Board for 27 positions. Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Manager; Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security, Mosquito Control Pilot & School Resource Officers. Totals include the Sheriff.
FY 22 Submitted Budget Line Item Breakdown
Approved Budget for FY 2020/2021
Description | Submitted FY 2021 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 145,794 |
Salaries and benefits | 65,788,337 |
Operating expenses | 10,205,887 |
Equipment | 3,295,737 |
Total Budget | $79,435,755 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 2021 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 28 |
- |
28 |
Corrections | 163 |
46 |
209 |
Law Enforcement | 301 |
150 |
451 |
Totals | 492 |
196 |
688 * |
FY 21 Submitted Budget Line Item Breakdown
* Total authorized position include contracted positions with the County and the School Board for 27 positions. Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Manager; Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security, Lawn Program, Mosq Control Pilot & School Resource Officers. Totals include the Sheriff.
Approved Budget for FY 2019/2020
Description | Submitted FY 2020 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 146,723 |
Salaries and benefits | 63,252,930 |
Operating expenses | 10,102,709 |
Equipment | 2,237,350 |
Total Budget | $75,739,712 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 2020 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 28 |
- |
28 |
Corrections | 163 |
45 |
208 |
Law Enforcement | 295 |
145 |
440 |
Totals | 486 |
190 |
676 * |
FY 20 Submitted Budget Line Item Breakdown
* Total authorized position include contracted positions with the County and the School Board for 26 positions. Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Coordinator; Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security & School Resource Officers. Above total includes the Sheriff.
Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2018/2019
Description | Approved FY 2019 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 145,237 |
Salaries and benefits | 57,677,152 |
Operating expenses | 9,676,307 |
Equipment | 2,655,989 |
Total Budget | $70,154,685 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 2019 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 27 |
- |
27 |
Corrections | 163 |
45 |
208 |
Law Enforcement | 290 |
139 |
429 |
Totals | 480 |
184 |
664 * |
FY 19 Approved Budget Line Item Breakdown
* Total authorized position include contracted positions with the County and the School Board for 23 positions. Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Coordinator; Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security & School Resource Officers. Above total includes the Sheriff.
2017/2018 - Approved Budget for Fiscal Year
Description | Approved FY 2018 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 137,070 |
Salaries and benefits | 55,004,998 |
Operating expenses | 8,577,253 |
Equipment | 1,720,715 |
Total Budget | $65,440,036 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 17/18 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 27 |
- |
27 |
Corrections | 153 |
45 |
198 |
Law Enforcement | 284 |
137 |
412 |
Totals | 464 |
182 |
646 * |
FY 18 Approved Budget Line Item Breakdown
* Total authorized position include contracted positions with the County and the School Board for 20 positions. Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Coordinator; Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security & School Resource Officers. Above total includes the Sheriff.
2016/2017 - Approved Budget for Fiscal Year
Description | Approved FY 2017 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 136,571 |
Salaries and benefits | 51,645,290 |
Operating expenses | 9,703,343 |
Equipment | 1,179,700 |
Total Budget | $61,314,904 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 15/16 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 27 |
- |
27 |
Corrections | 151 |
45 |
196 |
Law Enforcement | 279 |
133 |
412 |
Totals | 457 |
178 |
635 * |
FY 17 Approved Budget Line Item Breakdown
* Total authorized positions include contracted positions with the County and the School Board
for 22 positions. Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Coordinator;
Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security & School Resource Officers. Above total includes the
2015/2016 - Approved Budget for Fiscal Year
Description | Approved FY 2016 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 135,835 |
Salaries and benefits | 51,079,459 |
Operating expenses | 8,315,522 |
Equipment | 852,000 |
Total Budget | $60,382,816 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 15/16 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 27 |
- |
27 |
Corrections | 150 |
44 |
194 |
Law Enforcement | 277 |
130 |
407 |
Totals | 454 |
174 |
628 * |
FY 16 Approved Budget Line Item Breakdown
* Total authorized positions include contracted positions with the County and the School Board
for 22 positions. Positions include Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Coordinator;
Environmental Deputy; Murdock Bldg. Security & School Resource Officers. Above total includes the
2014/2015 - Approved Budget for Fiscal Year
Description | Approved FY 2015 |
Salary of the Sheriff | 134,938 |
Salaries and benefits | 47,020,331 |
Operating expenses | 7,525,919 |
Equipment | 1,006,843 |
Total Budget | $55,687,843 |
Authorized Budgeted Positions for FY 2014/15 | Sworn |
Civilian |
Total |
Courts | 18 |
1 |
19 |
Corrections | 147 |
53 |
200 |
Law Enforcement | 263 |
109 |
372 |
Totals | 428 |
163 |
591 * |
FY 15 Approved Budget Line Item Breakdown
* In addition, we have annual contracts with the County and the School Board for 23 positions to cover Fire/EMS Dispatch; E911 Dispatch; E911 Coordinator; Environmental Deputy; Court Security & School Resource Officers. Above total does not include the Sheriff.